Ardencote Manor Wedding DJ Ollie Clarke has performed many times at the Wonderful Ardenote Manor Wedding Venue in the heart of Warwickshire.
DJ Ollie Clarke performs at plenty of Wedding's yearly at Ardencote Manor ,
DJ Ollie Clarke generates energy and excitement everywhere he performs he has the highest standards of Commitment, Dedication Enthusiasm & Knowledge bringing all this together creates a fantastic positive atmosphere to the crowd / audience.
Playing the right music, at the right time he knows exactly what it takes to pack your dance floor.
For more information to book our services please click here we do also offer our LED Dancefloor Package at Ardencote Manor as shown in images above.
Let's make your Wedding day a musical journey that everyone will talk about for years to come! Book now and let the dance floor come alive!
#1 Warwickshire Wedding DJ Ollie Clarke
Venue : Ardencote Manor Wedding Venue
For more information to book our services please click here

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